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What is a doula?
A doula is a trained professional who provides practical, physical and emotional support to a woman and her family before, during or after birth. At Alcyone Blooms, we are proud to offer ante, birth/labor and postpartum doula services.
Antepartum Doula Services often include, but are not limited to:
- Childcare for Older Children
- Home and Family Preparation
- Birth Plan Assistance
- Postpartum Planning
- Organizational Skills
- Light Housekeeping
- Appointment Companion
Birth/Labor Doula Services often include, but are not limited to:
- Prenatal Visit
- Birth Plan Assistance
- On Call Availability
- Continuous Labor and Birth Support
- Unlimited Telephone and Email Availability
- Advocacy
- Directed Resources
- Breastfeeding Support
- Postpartum Visit
Postpartum Doula Services often include, but are not limited to:
- Postpartum Planning
- Infant Care
- Bonding
- Breastfeeding Assistance
- Childcare for Older Children
- Family Adjustment
- Coping Skills
- Organizational Skills
- Simple Meal Preparation
- Light Housekeeping
- Postpartum Mental Health Support
- Advocacy
- Directed Resources
- Long Term Solutions
We are also now offering placenta encapsulation and sleep training. Please contact us for more information.